lundi 15 août 2011

sXe-Injected 7.8 & All Fixes New Better WALLHACK WeN Never Banned

1 - Put demoplayer.dll and Sicheats-HWID into CS folder where you have HL.exe
2 - Now run -=XITERCS=-.exe. When error message pop up click OK and in new window find CSTRIKE.exe. When you click OPEN, Counter-Strike will auto run. In the console you will see information that AimBot is active now.
3 - That's all! AIMBOT is working now! Now you can connect to a server with sXe-Injected 7.8 protection or without this protection and get some HEADSHOTS!
4 - ENJOY! :)

1 - Pune demoplayer.dll şi Sicheats-HWID în dosarul CS în cazul în care aveţi HL.exe 2 - Acum, rulaţi -= XITERCS =-. exe. Când pop mesaj de eroare faceţi clic pe OK în sus şi în fereastră nouă găsi CSTRIKE.exe. Când faceţi clic pe OPEN, Counter-Strike se va auto alerga. În consolă, veţi vedea informaţii care aimbot este activ acum. 3 - Asta-i tot! Aimbot este de lucru acum! Acum vă puteţi conecta la un server sXe Injected cu 7.8-protecţie sau fără această protecţie şi de a lua unele HEADSHOTS!
DownLoad ===>

dimanche 14 août 2011

GreenLuma 2.1.6 Crack steam games

GreenLuma Features:
Show all games/tools in steam
Filter ValveTestApps
Can show ValveTestApps in the game list (GreenLuma.ini)
Can show installed applications only (GreenLuma.ini)
Download Trackmania Nations Forever (GreenLuma.ini)
Steam2 and Steam3 Subscriptions are patched
Can be used to host cracked servers
Disabled Steam Minidump Creation
Serverbrowser in Left 4 Dead
Multiwinia start in "Accepted" mode
No CD-Key needed to play Doom3
Force Offline Mode (GreenLuma.ini)
Failed to contact key server is removed
ATI and Nvidia offer patch (GreenLuma.ini)
Replace email address (GreenLuma.ini)
Play free games online such as Synergy
Play games with custom protection such as Race
Bypass the PurchaseCountry check (GreenLuma.ini)
Replaced the "sponsor" picture
A log file is created, please post it if you are having any problems
Launch outdated games (NCF games) (GreenLuma.ini)
Low Violence patch
DLC Patch (GreenLuma.ini)
CEG Memory Patcher
Disabled news messages when starting Steam including marketing messages
Supports the "-clientapp" parameter
Disable MinimumFootprintFilesRefresh (GreenLuma.ini)
Able to create lobbies so other people can join by IP
Lobbypatch (Beta)
Source Engine Focus Patch
Patching SteamUI.dll Error Messages (GreenLuma.ini)
Achievement and Stats Patch
Garry's mod is patched
Support for GameCoordinator emulator
Download half-life engine.gcf (GreenLuma.ini)
Able to create cracked dedicated servers with LumaServerPatcher
Patch masterserver to setti (GreenLuma.ini)
Change game language (GreenLuma.ini)

LumaServerPatcher (Source) Info:
1. Copy GreenLuma.dll and GreenLuma.ini to the same folder as srcds.exe.
2. Open the bin folder and rename dedicated.dll to ValveDedicated.dll.
3. Copy the new dedicated.dll to the bin folder.

LumaServerPatcher (GoldSrc) Info:
1. Copy GreenLuma.dll and GreenLuma.ini to the same folder as hlds.exe.
2. Rename FileSystem_Stdio.dll to ValveFileSystem_Stdio.dll.
3. Copy the new FileSystem_Stdio.dll to the same folder.
4. Replace Steam.dll (in your server foler) with the original one from your steam folder.

GreenLuma Change Log:

Version 1.0
First Release

Version 1.1
Replaced the "sponsor" picture
Added patch for Steam3 Subscriptions
Added Left 4 Dead Downloader (GreenLuma.ini)
Fixed SteamID Function
Cleaned up code

Version 1.2
Fixed steamclient.dll callbacks
Added CEG Memory Patcher
Disabled news messages when starting Steam including marketing messages
Added new GreenLuma.exe from Darth Revan, supports -remove, -install, -close (like UnDead.Injector)
Valve disabled the Left 4 Dead account, new account added (See GreenLuma.ini for more infomation)
Improved Windows API hooking

Version 1.3
Improved CEG Patcher
Removed Downloader Mode
Added patch for Zombie Mode in BlackOps

Version 1.3.1
Fixed crash when Steam exit

Version 1.4
Added option to disable and enable logging (GreenLuma.log)
Added patch for Black Ops multiplayer (create a server with: /map "map name here") (requires update 1 from SKIDROW)

Version 1.4.1
Added patch for Black Ops multiplayer console (requires update 1 from SKIDROW)

Version 1.4.2
/sv_cheats 1 can now be used in Black Ops MP
Fixed "awaiting challenge"

Version 1.4.3
Performance, Stability fixes
Fixed/Improved CEG patcher
Improved ForceLaunchApp function
Removed Black Ops MP patch
Added Disable MinimumFootprintFilesRefresh feature
Fixed that some games wouldn't start
DLC patch is enabled by default
Fixed SteamIsAppSubscribed function

Version 1.4.4
Can now host cracked servers in most games
Low Violence patch
Improved DLC patch
Choose Subscriptions from Subscriptions.ini (Only works when "Subscriptions" is = 5 in GreenLuma.ini
Steamclient.dll is loaded from registry instead from directory
Able to create lobbies so other people can join by IP
Masterserver patched to setti masterserver

Version 1.4.5
Can show installed applications only (GreenLuma.ini)
Fixed crash when steam or a game closes
Fixed Trackmania Nations Forever download and play, enable this in GreenLuma.ini
Fixed SteamID generation in some old games

Version 2.0
Added Source Engine Focus Patch 
Added Steam.dll Emu code, read more in GreenLuma.ini
Added SteamUI.dll Patches read more in GreenLuma.ini
Fixed a bug with CEG Patcher
Added Achievement and Stats patch
Temporarily removed master server patch
Fixed some SteamID stuff
Fixed .ini file read code
Fixed some steamclient.dll callbacks
Fixed a crash when MinimumFootprintFilesRefresh is disabled
Now patching IClient interfaces, disable this in GreenLuma.ini if steam starts to crash.

Version 2.0.1
Fixed Server Patcher
Fixed "You are in insecure mode" error

Version 2.0.2
Added some missing achievement and stats interfaces
Fixed SteamGameServer010 interface
Fixed an crash in TF2, CSS and L4D2
Fixed TF2 SteamID 

Version 2.0.3
Fixed crash in HL2, Portal and Black Ops

Version 2.0.4
Fixed LumaServerPatcher not reporting correct server info
Prepared for Portal 2
Fixed a few bugs

Version 2.0.5
Added support for GameCoordinator emulator (GreenLuma.ini)
Added half-life engine.gcf download (GreenLuma.ini)
Added Garrys mod patch
Added option to load another clientapp than SteamUI.dll (GreenLuma.ini) viewtopic.php?f=20&t=57205
Patching some more Steamclient callbacks
Steamclient.dll Interfaces updated
Fixed error when revemu has been used

Version 2.0.6
Fixed servers after source engine update.
Fixed crash in source engine games.
Fixed UAC issue.
Fixed steam crashing with new update.
Fixed game launch.
Some small changes to GreenLuma.exe.
LumaServerPatcher.exe removed, replaced by dedicated.dll.

Version 2.0.7
Removed Steam.dll emu code from GreenLuma.dll
Fixed SteamService.exe not being able to start when using GreenLuma
Fixed SteamID is always 0
Fixed bugs that was caused by steam update
Fixed only legit players are listed when creating a cracked server with GreenLuma (not tested)
Fixed Steam Validation Rejected (not tested)
Added SteamClient011 to support new games

Version 2.0.8
Fixed crash when connecting to a dedicated server
Some minor fixes

Version 2.0.9
Fixed "ghosts" showing connected (Thanks to bir3yk)
Fixed SteamID for Revemu users

Version 2.1.0
Added lobbypatch (beta)
Fixed Servers and SteamID in new games
Fixed SteamID in older games
Fixed ghosts
Fixed Steam Validation Rejected
Fixed crash when steam restarts
Added Anti-repack
Added server crack for GoldSrc games

Version 2.1.1
Fixed "game is unavailable" error when starting some games
Fixed "show installed only" mode
Added setti masterserver patch (GreenLuma.ini)
Added Black Ops Multiplayer patches to play with bots.
Added ability to change game language (GreenLuma.ini)
Added hybrid subscription mode (GreenLuma.ini)
Updated install instructions for LumaServerPatcher (GoldSrc)

Version 2.1.2
Fixed crash when steam restarts

Version 2.1.3
Enabled DEP on Windows XP
Added zombiemode patch

Version 2.1.4
Fixed SetProcessDEPPolicy error on Windows XP SP2 and below
Removed Blackops patches
Fixed SteamGuard error

Version 2.1.5
Fixed runtime error
Some changes to anti repack popups

Version 2.1.6

Known Bugs:
Error code 54 with some games.

Copy GreenLuma.dll, GreenLuma.ini, Subscriptions.ini and GreenLuma.exe and Graphics folder to your steam folder, Edit GreenLuma.ini as you like it and start Steam with GreenLuma.exe.

Nintendo: Luma
shmelle: Helping me with some steamclient.dll stuff.
Mitsukarina: Awesome steam tutorials and have helped me with some other steam releated things.
syahmixp: Have helped me with many different things. (too many to mention here.)
Waats: Testing
shepper: Testing
bir3yk: Fix for the player ghost problem.
